Identify shapes - Practice


Shapes to be identified:


Operation Count Right Wrong
Count 0 0 0

Play Area  

Identify the shape displayed.

'; var helpSelection_count1='

Problem Type Selection:


Select the list of shapes you wish to practice. Totally 10 shapes are displayed. If certain shapes are deselected then those shapes will not be presented.


Play: Starts presenting the problems. By changing any of the configurable values the Play button could be pressed again.


Lock Selection: pressing this button will lock all the user selections. Lock image will appear in the status box. Also Lock Selection button will be changed to Unlock button and also reset the status fields. Pressing Unlock will release the lock.

'; var helpPlayCount='

Enter the answer: Click the button with the name matching the shape displayed. If the Answer is correct then next shape will be displayed. If it is wrong then help will be provided to identify the shape.

Show Answer Will display the displayed shape’s name.
